iProA Upcoming Highlights
10 Sep 09 The 9th GS1HK SCM Excellence Summit (Deadline) 15 Sep – 17 Sep 09 2009 中國互聯網大會 16 Sep 09 中小企WiFi安檢增值論壇 28 Sep 09 The 2nd CIO Executive Summit更多内容
The 1st Seminar to Explore the Market Potentials of “Mobile Widget and Smartphone Application”
The seminar will cover: – What is Future Development of Mobile Widget & Smartphone Application? – How Smartphone Application Add Value to Enterprises / Corporations? – What is Business Opportunities更多内容
Christmas Party
Title: Christmas Gathering (企摄协) Start Time: 19:00 Date: 2008-12-25 End Time: 22:00更多内容
一年一度的业界盛典[中国创业投资暨私募股权投资年度论坛] 即将于12月9日在北京万达索菲特酒店隆重开幕,盛况空前,目前仅余最后30席,在此我们诚挚地邀您莅临! 据清科研究中心最新研究表明,全球金融形势的恶化不可避免地波及到中国创投和私募股权投资市场,VC/PE退出清淡,IPO退出交易降至三年来同期最低值,VC/PE机构正面临着近年来最为艰难的时刻。如何应对国际金融危机给企业带来的负面影响,如何在经济结构调整的大浪中保持企业发展能力平稳度过经济“寒冬”,成为摆在投资者、企业家面前无法回避的严肃话题。 柳传志 联想控股有限公司总裁, 联想集团非执行董事,联想投资、 融科智地、弘毅投资董事长 Rhoddy Swire 磐石基金创始人及资深合伙人 面对经济环境的重大不确定性,在本届论坛上,我们特别邀请到联想控股有限公司总裁,联想集团非执行董事,联想投资、融科智地、弘毅投资董事长柳传志先生,磐石基金创始人及资深合伙人Rhoddy Swire发表主题演讲。另外,近百位国内外顶级创业投资人、政府引导基金领导、基金投资人以及知名创业企业家亦将列席,共同讨论不稳定经济形势下的投资热点,市场趋势等问题。会议将设六大专场,重点聚焦投资阶段、投资地域、投资行业、投资方式、估值等热点投资策略,为高成长项目提供融资交流的平台,共同度过这场金融危机。 组委会报名请直接联系:刘宇 电话:86 1371.843.0239 电邮:cvcf2008bj@zero2ipo.com.cn .更多内容
The 5th Anniversary WTIA Gala Dinner
The 5th Anniversary WTIA Gala Dinner cum Prize Presentation of The 1st Hong Kong Wireless Technology Excellence Awards From 2001, Hong Kong Wireless Technology Industry Association (WTIA) has accomplished many更多内容
Fixed-Mobile Convergence Forum
With developments in convergence technologies and standards, the demarcation between fixed and mobile telecommunications markets will blur. The structure of the telecommunications industry in the near future will be quite更多内容
3G Training Course: Wireless Security and M-Commerce
Besides a 2-day wireless security technology training, this course also features a business forum for delegates to share the real life experience from guest speakers of Hong Kong m-commerce business更多内容
APAC Software Conference
We invite you to attend the APAC Software Conference to be held during 28-29 June 2005 at Grand Hyatt Beijing, China. Its jointly organized by The Computing Technology Industry Association更多内容