金秋10月北京印象 祖国60周年华诞
过了10.1,去北京出差,终于拍到蓝天下庄严的天安门,金色的,在金秋季节,祖国刚度过了60周年华诞纪念日。 还有那位站岗的军人,让人肃然起敬! Continue Reading
过了10.1,去北京出差,终于拍到蓝天下庄严的天安门,金色的,在金秋季节,祖国刚度过了60周年华诞纪念日。 还有那位站岗的军人,让人肃然起敬! Continue Reading
Invitation to join the Hong Kong Delegation to US Outsourcing World Summit 2005Continue Reading
The Japanese IT industry values about 13 trillion yen, which is the second largest market in the world after US. The Japanese enterprises are aware of the advantage of IT outsourcing and many of them outsource their business to China and India. Due to proximity to Japan and the strongContinue Reading
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