Public Forum on chief Executivie By-Election 2005:
You are cordially invited to attend the Public Forum on chief Executivie By-Election 2005: Governing Vision and Policy Agenda for Hong Kong, which will be held on 11 June 2005更多内容
You are cordially invited to attend the Public Forum on chief Executivie By-Election 2005: Governing Vision and Policy Agenda for Hong Kong, which will be held on 11 June 2005更多内容
Hong Kong Information Technology Forum (HKITF) will organize industry forum to discuss the following 3 topics – Wireless Infrastructure Beyond 2004 – IT Development in Education & Government – Future更多内容
BUSINESS.GOV.HK was launched on 4 February 2004. It provides news from Government and useful information to investors from local, overseas and mainland for starting their businesses in Hong Kong. “”更多内容
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